Sunday, September 11, 2005

D.C. Young Republicans Conduct Outreach at Adams Morgan Day Festival

The District of Columbia Young Republicans operated a table from Noon - 6 p.m. at the annual Adams Morgan Day Festival.

Along the way, DCYRs introduced people to the Republican Party by providing interested individuals with literature on Congressman Tom Davis's bill that would give D.C. a vote in the House of Representatives, "W" stickers calling for action on Social Security, and flyers promoting D.C. Delegate candidate Erran Persley.

Democrats such as DNC head Howard Dean often attempt to brand the Republican Party as the party of rich white males. The fallacy of this notion was evident today given that young Republicans who signed up for membership information at the festival were black, white, Asian, male, and female.

Kudos to DCYR Chairman Soren Dayton, who pulled a six-hour shift. (Pictured above are Soren and DCYR member Cameron McKenzie.)

Previous D.C. Young Republican-related posts
Aug. 28: DCYRs announce Persley: “The candidate for the People, not the politicians.”
Aug. 3: Republican Erran Persley to Challenge D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton
July 27: D.C. Young Republicans Speak Out Against D.C.'s Dangerous Gun Laws


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