Thursday, September 08, 2005

Americans Aren't Buying Democratic Katrina Spin . . . Yet

Partisan Democrats, activists, and bloggers rained down a torrent of sharp criticism upon Bush and second-guessed the Administration's response at every point immediately following the Katrina tragedy. It didn't help that some congressional Republicans contributed a fair share of critical comments.

Despite the onslaught, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Tuesday, only 13 percent said President Bush is to blame for the problems in New Orleans following the hurricane, 18 percent said federal agencies, 25 percent blamed state or local officials, and 38 percent said no one is to blame. Perhaps those who selected the option "no one is to blame" have reserved judgment and are waiting to get the full story. will be holding a Katrina-related protest rally near the White House at 1 p.m. today in order to throw more darts at the President. And so the unfair criticism-- unfair because it is so sharp, so narrowly focused on Bush, and so quickly applied without gathering all of the facts--continues unabated. Republicans will need a strong backbone . . . because the some Democrats will be knifing them in the back every step of the way. The Democratic leadership wants the Presidency and the Congress back in their control, and they are not above politicizing Katrina to get what they want.


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