Friday, August 26, 2005

Sheehan calls Terrorists "Freedom Fighters"

The Cindy Sheehan media and blog hysteria will undoubtedly make the list of the biggest continuing news stories of 2005. But amazingly, despite the saturated coverage, the following exchange between Sheehan and a reporter days (weeks?) ago has only been reported by blogs and WorldNetDaily (read the story here). Judge for yourself whether Sheehan should be given the "Pat Robertson treatment" for a major speaking gaffe:

Mark Knoller (CBS): "You know that the president says Iraq is the central front in the war on terrorism, don't you believe that?"

Cindy Sheehan: "No, because it's not true. You know Iraq was no threat to the United States of America until we invaded. I mean they're not even a threat to the United States of America. Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq was not a terrorist state. But now that we have decimated the country, the borders are open, freedom fighters from other countries are going in, and they [American troops] have created more terrorism by going to an Islamic country, devastating the country and killing innocent people in that country. The terrorism is growing and people who never thought of being car bombers or suicide bombers are now doing it because they want the United States of America out of their country."

Calling terrorist infidels "freedom fighters" is a mischaracterization of Orwellian proportions. These so-called freedom fighters are not fighting for freedom, but rather they seek to destroy the fledgling democratic structure that the Bush Adminstration has sought to establish. The terrorists are killing Americans and freedom-loving Iraqis alike. Reasonable people can disagree over whether invading Iraq was justified by U.S. interests or Bush's justifications at the time the decision to invade was made. But calling terrorists "freedom fighters" crosses the line-- what would her son say?

Ms. Sheehan should disavow her remark. But the bigger issue is: Where is the media coverage?

Thanks to Gindy for posting this story earlier and providing me with a news link.


Blogger flippnsweet said...

Excellent post! Yes, where is the "mainstream" media coverage? Her characterization of the murderers who killed her son as "freedom fighters" is not only uninformed and irresponsible, it is a direct dishonor to her son. Follow her train of thought and he becomes the terrorist.
In truth, he died so that some day the people of Iraq can be as free as she is and say uninformed and irresponsible things too.
Calling people who strap bombs to themselves and kill innocents in an attempt to silence all free thought "freedom fighters" is unfathomably ignorant, especially coming from someone who has become a spokesperson for first amendment freedoms.

Thu Aug 25, 11:29:00 PM EDT  

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