Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bush names Roberts to be Chief Justice

President Bush today nominated Judge John Roberts to follow in William H. Rehnquist's footsteps by appointing him to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It's an excellent decision. The hearings will be delayed in light of the Katrina insanity and out of respect for Justice Rehnquist.

None of the current members of the Court were an apparently good fit. Scalia had moderated his tone recently, some speculated it was an attempt to make himself palatable for the position. But Scalia has issued more than a few scathing, and sometimes personal, dissenting opinions-- not exactly a concensus-builder. Justice Clarence Thomas is a very original thinker with some interesting theories, but he has been unable to attract concurring votes. Furthermore, Justice Thomas hardly ever asks questions at oral argument, but a Chief Justice is supposed to take the lead on such occasions.

Judge Roberts will bring a fresh air to the Court, but yet he is already intimately familiar with its members. His congenial style fits well with the institution. Virtually all observers agree that Roberts is exceptionally well-qualified to sit on the Court. It was simply the right choice.


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