Saturday, September 24, 2005

Anti-War Rally in D.C.: Speakers Label Bush "War Criminal"; Call for Impeachment

More than 100,000 people converged on the ellipse under overcast skies just south of the White House in Washington, D.C. this morning for an anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-capitalist rally. The rally was sponsored by United for Peace and Justice and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). ANSWER is believed to have strong ties to communist organizations.

Jesse Jackson's appearance on stage immediately preceded anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan (see picture, above), and he was easily the most moderate speaker. "There is a time for war," Jackson said, but this is a "war built on lies." He added that "We'll change the Congress in 2006 and change the White House in 2008," ending with the chant "Bring the troops home now."

Cindy Sheehan did not allow the large media presence to moderate her speech. She called for "checks and balances on this out-of-control criminal government."
Sheehan charged that "This is a government that condones torture." "Tell them that it's not okay to torture any person." Apparently Sheehan soaked up too much Texas sun during her famous vigil. President Bush made the United States position on torture very clear during a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Peter Medgyessy on June 22, 2004: "We do not condone torture," Bush said. "I have never ordered torture. I will never order torture. The values of this country are such that torture is not a part of our soul and our being."

Sheehan demanded: "Don't invade countries that pose no threat to our country." The idea that Iraq posed no threat to the United States prior to the invasion is not in line with what the vast majority of government officials believed at the time. Sen. John F. Kerry on Jan. 23. 2003, said, "[T]he threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." (More Democratic pre-war statements here.)
Sheehan ended her brief speech with the question "How many other people's children are you going to sacrifice for the lies?" and began the chant "Not one more."
Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) appeared earlier in the show and was the only member of Congress who spoke. Her comments were off the map in terms of reality. She lamented: "A cruel wind blows across America. . . . It blew disenfranchisement into Ohio and Florida. . . . We were forced to endure fraud in the elections of 2000 and 2004."
Eventually she got to the war part: "A war started over deliberately fraudulent evidence." And then she applied the Katrina smear: Federal officials responding to Hurricane Katrina were "criminally incompetent in providing our security." McKinney wasn't done yet, charging that the "ill wind" has a global impact, including Venezuela, Hati, and Africa. According to this Congresswoman, someone was guilty of "high crimes and more than misdemeanors."
More highlights:
< Someone from Community Labor United asked for an end to the "war against poor, black, uneducated people."
< The Raging Grannies riled against "corporate pigs" in a song they sang on stage.
< Rally co-sponsor United for Peace and Justice representative Leslie Cagan, who could not see over the podium, spoke of "that dangerous man that pretends to be the leader of this country." She added that the "co-conspirators upon on Capitol Hill need to hear from us."
< Nancy Woolforth, an executive council member of the supposedly-mainstream labor union AFL-CIO hurled invective against "FEMA creeps who would not rescue 150,000 black and poor people." She charged that "The Bush Administration does not give one damn about those people" and that "Halliburton is stealing Iraq and its resources."
< A man representing the Free Palestine Alliance, a subsidiary of ANSWER, yelled quite loudly throughout his speech and said "They cannot profit over our misery." He later led the crowd in the chant "Impeach George Bush."
< After handing her child to her husband, a National Lawyers Guild member spoke of the "criminals who occupy Congress."

In addition to the demogogues stirring emotions on stage, plenty of participants added their share of nasty rhetoric. One particularly amusing hand-written sign held by a college-age woman stated: "Impeach the theif." Apparently Bush stole her dictionary.

Everyday, police put their lives on the line for citizens, and this is what they get.

The communists were out in force: "Capitalism means mass murder-- Socialist Revolution is the only solution."

Other signs included a large one stating "The Bush Regime Engineered 9-11" as well as many yellow "Impeach Bush" signs. A large truck sign quoted Republican activist Grover Norquist alongside a picture of flooded New Orleans.

After an hour and a half, it was time for me to head home. The crowd still had a march and a rock concert ahead of it. I headed to Constitution Avenue and 15th Street before the speakers were finished. The streets were filled with so many people that it was difficult to walk through the crowd. If I was a far-left liberal, the event would have been a magnificent occasion, with plenty of opportunities to meet like-minded people from around the country.

The massive scale of the rally was an indication of how much angst there is in the country, as well as an indication of how much hatred there is of the Bush Administration with its approval ratings around 40 percent. A head-in-the sand response from Republicans is inadequate. The opposition is very motivated.


Blogger TAotB said...

Carl - you're a nutball. Yes the Catholic Church needs to fix and repair the damage from the priest abuse scandals, but to blame the US and say "deserves to be destroyed in a Muslim Fatwa" is beyond the pale.

The U.S. is not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than anything else out there. Freedom of religion, the right to self-defense, free elections, free press, the ending of slavery because we made it so, the thwarting of Germany and its allies twice, untold BILLIONS in foreign aid from our gov't, untold BILLIONS in charity from our private citizens, the spread of democracy . . . you're letting your hatred get in the way of your goal.

And it will only hurt your cause.

Much like it is hurting the cause of the anti-war protesters in DC.

Sat Sep 24, 07:38:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Kevin said...

I agree with people protesting the war but I disagree with the people who can't just protest that. There's no need to mention how 9/11 may have been engineered. There is no need to mention how socialism is the solution. These are outlandish claims that if not made would require politicians on the Right and pundits to focus on the anti-war messages. Now, they have something ridiculous to talk about. And they can choose to talk about it instead of the important message that was made which was to bring the troops home now.

Sat Sep 24, 07:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Tom the Redhunter said...

I just got home from the protest an hour ago.

I was with they good guys; the freepers counter-protesting the leftie whackos!

We had a spot in front of the FBI building and watched the entire parade. What a freak show. But I didn't get to see their stage show, so this post was very interesting. Thank you.

Anyway, believe you me, these people were out to lunch. I saw any number of Che Guevara signs, Palestinian flags, outright anti-capitalist/pro-socialist signs, you name it.

BTY, ANSWER is more than 'believed to" have ties to communist organizations; they are a known front group for the World Workers Party. Check it out at

Sat Sep 24, 09:26:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Cathie said...

An interesting take on the whole ordeal. I am embarassed when I go to those things because I know that righties think the entire left is like that. Where was the mention of the mostly "normal" people, though? You point out extremes, with good reason, but the overwhelming majority of people there could have passed for "normal" by even the staunchest wingnut on any other day.

As a libertarian, I would think that you would be disgusted with the Bush administration as well. I know the CATO institute has been hypercritical of his outrageous and irresponsible spending. I'm just curious about that. You didn't condemn the people for being there, which is a welcome relief from the usual republican rhetoric.

I'm not a fan of ANSWER, and I turned down all of that Commie propaganda, often with some critical comment. I wish I could convince the right that those extremists do not make up the majority of the left. Just as you do not like when the left calls you all a bunch of Christian freaks (as I'm sure you don't want to be associated with those people who say gays are to blame for Katrina), most lefties don't want to be associated with those freaks. I hope you will do the country justice by not stereotyping the left.

I was impressed with your recount of the events. Thanks for being civil. I've grown tired of partisan bickering and namecalling.

Sat Sep 24, 09:37:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moonbat Festival!

Where is Karl Marx? Where is Vladimir Lenin? Joseph Stalin? Mao? Pol Pot?

Dittos for great work.

Truly, Mr. Satire

Sat Sep 24, 09:40:00 PM EDT  
Blogger neat62 said...

To Daedalus

Unfortunately we on the right say what we say regarding the liberals on the left...because it has become more and more apparent that extremists and kooks, like Cindy, are being touted as the Democratic party representatives.

Tell me this...if 'normal' Democrats do not support Cindy and her backers, why do they not come out and say so? Instead they allow this insane woman to make outrageous statements like "end the occupation of New Orleans!" And call the terrorists "freedom fighters", etc. They do not say anything against her...they actually stand with her.

Heck, just look at the recent judicial hearings...what was the reason for voting against Judge Roberts? He didn't come out and say directly that he was pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage and pro-judical naturally, the leading Dem's voted against him...and you are going to tell me that people like Cindy DO NOT represent your party?

If they do not, it's only because the leaders of the Democratic party are afraid to admit what they really they know the general public DOES NOT agree with the agenda Cindy and her Socialist/Communist buddies support!

Sat Sep 24, 10:02:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good post. Apparently Ramsey Clark, Saddam Hussein's defense lawyer, was also there and spoke. It is quite telling to the character of the left they would include such a person in their rally.

Sat Sep 24, 11:39:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daedulus, I'm afraid you are increasingly becoming a minority within the left. The Democrats invited Michael Moore to not only be at the Dem convention, but to sit in the Presidential box, alongside Jimmy Carter. This kind of behavior is becoming the mainstream of the leftist movement.

Sat Sep 24, 11:44:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd really love to see any photo evidence that the crowd reached 100,000. Yahoo has a pic of what I assume is the concert. It's on the ellipse, anyway. If there are more than 35,000 people there I'll eat your hat.
Are you sure that 100,000 you're quoting didn't include the approximately 80,0000 there for the book fair?

Sun Sep 25, 12:04:00 AM EDT  
Blogger neat62 said...

I hope ya'll don't mind my jumping in with my thoughts??? I thought I might just fit in a I consider myself a "REPUBLITARIAN" too!! =)

Sun Sep 25, 12:23:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleas join the "Moonbat" Flickr group.

I would love to have your photos in the pool.

Sun Sep 25, 01:52:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any black congresswomen who are not moonbats? It is difficult to believe the citizens of Georgia could vote this moonbat Cynthia back to congress.

Sun Sep 25, 11:09:00 AM EDT  
Blogger RobChandler said...

Daedalus, the problem is that these "normal" people you mention make themselves a part of such an event and thus become whackos themselves. This is the direction the democratic party is heading in. We on the right tend to laugh at people like Howard Dean, who as the democratic party leader said "republicans are evil," because we know he's ruining the dems chances of stepping into the White House but the problem is, while we're laughing, Dean represents the left perfectly. He represents that mentality. One that fosters big government and socialism, makes the claim that 9/11 was engineered, and call terrorists "freedom fighters." This is the direction that this party has taken. The "normal" people on the left, if indeed there are any, need to wake up to this nonsense.

Sun Sep 25, 12:11:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "libertarian republican?"
My, how do you keep all the contradictions in check?
i.e. - Bush's Big Government Republicanism with huge deficits with the Anti-Statist nature of libertarianism.

You must be in deep denial!

Sun Sep 25, 12:21:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Libertarians, pacifists and anarchists all live in a dream world. When the revolution starts, they will be rounded up, shot, and bulldozed into a ditch. Good riddance!

Sun Sep 25, 12:23:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who really, truly CARES what these sad pieces of fecal remains have to say about anything?

The only use they provide is that of "bad example": as in "look, kids, there's how you DON'T want to grow up."

Otherwise they have nothing to say, and no one but themselves listens to them.

Sun Sep 25, 03:41:00 PM EDT  
Blogger muckdog said...

Seems like it's the same bunch of folks who show up no matter what the rally is. Anti-war. Pro choice. Legal marijuana. Gay pride. Living wage. Whatever. And Jesse's there to get his face in the camera.

Mon Sep 26, 01:48:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

b polhemus
But these "remains" attracted your attention. This is what a free America means. Any "moonbat" and "wingnut" can spouse a cause they believe in. Actually Ms Sheehan is reasonable, although she gets carried away in some of her comments. She is a grieving mother that lost a Son in the Iraq war, and does not see a reason for that loss that will satisfy her. All she hears is that her son died for a "noble cause" and this cause so far is just lies. Our president tries to compare HIS war to previous wars that were fought for national survival. Iraq in the same league as WWI, WWII or Korea, I don't think so. Have you been or had relatives fighting in the Iraq war?, lost a soldier in the Iraq War? if you have, I apologize. But if you or your relatives have been in the Iraq war and you still think as you do about anti-war protestors, then you have been brain-washed beyond redemption by the Republican propaganda of Patriotism and religious right wing crap.
However I suspect that you, like many of our republican leaders in congress and the administration, have never seen a real war, and just want to scream about patriotism and wars fought with other people’s sons and daughters.

Mon Sep 26, 02:45:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Mark said...

They are not "anti-war" they are "anti-American".

Mon Sep 26, 07:32:00 AM EDT  
Blogger neat62 said...

Dear thutmosis...

Cindy Sheehan is nothing more than a propogandist being used by, not only those on the extreme liberal left, but also Al-QAEDA! Her actions during WWII would have had her charged with treason!

Course, if you want to support such an intelligent and, as you say, 'reasonable' that makes statements such as "end the occupation of New Orleans!" And that demonstrates ZERO compassion for others when she makes such statements as "i am watching cnn and it is 100 percent rita…even though it is a little wind and a little rain…it is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today…and in the world!!"

Well...then you be my guest...personally, I think she is an embarrassment and an outrage. She doesn't give one hoot about Casey's memory! She didn't even metion him this weekend...but we are to believe that this 'protest' isn't all about her...HA! However, she can get the attention and the $$$$! That's what she's for!

Funny thing though...if she's just a 'simple grieving mother' why did all the prominent DEMOCRAT leaders, such as Howard Dean, Hillary and Nancy Pelosi, STAY, FAR AWAY this past weekend?????

Oh case you didn't know it...SOCIALIST CINDY, has been an active protestor, well before her son was even old enough to CHOOSE to VOLUNTEER to serve! She's been a "moonbat" most of her life!

Mon Sep 26, 11:06:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan is not only WAY OUT THERE... she actually does such an injustice to her son who CHOSE to sign on the dotted line and serve. Bless his sole.

I am a veteran and I know that I'd be rolling in my grave if my mother was out there saying this stuff. Especially how she takes the honor away from his courageous sacrifice by trying to illegitimize the war he CHOSE to fight in. She also takes away from the honor of his comrades who served and those who still serve.

Does she think he was stupid and didn't know what he was doing. She is dishonoring his work and that of his comrades... who by the way not only chose to serve, but are the experts... not she.

She and her other America hating, uninformed, self centered bleeding heart liberals ought to be ashamed of writing off military people as empty shells without brains who go to war not knowing what they do. Pretty disrespectful thing to do to people who fight for your right to be an idiot.

But, these are the same people who would rather learn their facts of war from Michael Moore, who has no experience or war education, than our great military leaders who have many years of study and experience. Just don't get that. I personally will go to Barbara Streisand when I need to learn how to sing and leave the war to the brave people who actually know more about what they are doing than pampered celebrities who have to pay therapists and psychics to even figure themselves out.

They give me such a headache. I think they think they are earning brownie points with the world and terrorists. That's a badge I don't want to earn.

Thu Nov 03, 07:13:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good post. Apparently Ramsey Clark, Saddam Hussein's defense lawyer, was also there and spoke. It is quite telling to the character of the left they would include such a person in their rally.

Fri Nov 18, 10:35:00 AM EST  
Blogger The Libertarian Republican said...

RE: Anonymous's post-- "A 'libertarian republican?'
My, how do you keep all the contradictions in check?"

Please see my post at

RE: Anonymous's post "I'd really love to see any photo evidence that the crowd reached 100,000."

You reference a photo of the rock concert, which came later in the day after the march and may not have appealed to families and older people. There were a ton of people at the initial rally and half of them were out of earshot of the speakers. Organizers are claiming 300,000; Police Chief Ramsey did not dispute "at least 150,000."

Mon Dec 12, 09:06:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm late, I stumbled in here from a google search completely unrelated to this topic but I just had to comment.

Like the rest of the world I watched as the adolescent drama around your elections unfolded, hoping you wouldn't elect Mr.War&Bible.
Your photos and comments have completely changed my view of American politics.

Thanks for opening my eyes. I realize now that it doesn't matter who wins the next election over there, the crusading cowboys or the wannabe soviets. No matter how it turns out: The rest of us are screwed.

I'll never drink another coke.

Wed May 10, 11:40:00 AM EDT  

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