Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Republicans in D.C. Need Courage

"A 'No' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble." --Mahatma Gandhi

The D.C. Republican Party is undergoing some growing pains.

For example, in mid-April of this year, Republican realtor Dave Kranich announced to his friends that he planned to enter the race for mayor of D.C. (since that time, three other candidates join the fray). During that gathering of friends, a Republican in attendance admitted that he and his friend had laid the groundwork for a "Republicans for Linda Cropp" organization (presumably a PAC). He looked a little embarrassed, and I have not heard of the idea since.

The Republican Party in D.C. will not be built by supporting Democrat candidates who then run as liberal Republicans. Nor will voters be inspired to cross party lines and vote for Republicans who sound like Democrats because they would like to be elected. We need courageous Republicans who are not afraid to advance Republican ideas.

However, it is true that the Republican message must be tuned to have crossover appeal. D.C. is anti-Republican, but I'm not convinced that voters will reject Republican ideas properly expressed. The power of good ideas and good people will, with time, overcome anti-Republican prejudice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Thu Jun 15, 01:08:00 PM EDT  
Blogger muckdog said...

It's always the voters in the middle who decide elections. And they'll get fatigued after one-party has ruled for awhile.

I think it's always important to be on the side of the argument that can be backed up with facts. I think the GOP mostly does this. So as long as GOPers stick to their message, they'll usually get folks as long as they're thinking clearly.

Mon Jun 26, 10:36:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should organize a chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus in D.C., the national organization that represents the growing libertarian wing of the GOP.

Good luck in your efforts.

Eric Dondero, Founder
Republican Liberty Caucus
Houston, Texas

Fri Jul 21, 12:08:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


At age 45 I hate being spoon-fed anything...especially news and information...and I hate feeling like I've been bamboozled after an election...after the last three mayoral elections I'm now saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...I (We) have to get serious about substance, integrity and accountability when it comes to electing a mayor...or we just end up with more MAYOR MISTAKES every four years...the fascination and hype over Adrian Fenty in particular, as well as Linda Cropp and assorted other "front runners"... I've FINALLY come to realize is the true source of what's strangling the socioeconomic progress that most of us complain about year after year...and into another decade...the fact that we're still not a state while suffering from nearly the worst U.S. records when it comes to PER CAPITA educational achievement, affordable housing, homelessness, HIV-AIDS infections, random violent crime, child abuse, spouse abuse, mental disability abuse, joblessness, middle-class displacement and an expanding population of poverty-locked citizens...these are the ugly headlines no one wants to discuss or HYPE during an election year...this is no record of achievement for any of the so-called "front-runners" to brag about when these ills have developed and increased on their watch in fact they act as if WE don't know these problems STILL exist and are GROWING amongst all the condo construction, downtown development, and let's play baseball hype...the tough-to-swallow reality check that I've come to face after 38 years as a D.C. resident is that I can no longer go along with this ongoing political scam or coronation of virtually the SAME quality of candidates from the SAME political party...reviewing the records: factually Fenty is a younger version of Cropp and Cropp is an older model of what Fenty is NOW...therefore this year I'm saving and VALUING my vote as a lifelong THINKING Democrat...on Election Day this November I'm writing-in or voting-in one of the BACK-RUNNERS who's presenting more substance and reality on what matters most in my city...someone who is outside the box of phony politics and false faces that most of us STILL fall for...this back-runner is a real front-runner on the REAL issues, immediate ACTION, long range THINKING, and a functional PLAN to deal with them...he is DENNIS MOORE...and if many of you are asking "Dennis who?" then blame our local news media for not doing its job of providing equal and substantive news coverage of all the candidates (mayoral and council) running for office in the District...type in: Dennis Moore DC mayor (in Google and Google News), and watch what comes back...once you COMPLETELY check Dennis Moore's web site out then go back and objectively compare him to Fenty, Cropp, Orange, Brown, Johns and anyone else on any single or group of issues...then ask yourself what is your vote REALLY worth...HYPE or substance...REAL change or more of the SAME...Moore may not win in the end over the heavy load of hype...and I hope by some freaky fate I'm wrong THIS time...BUT, to respect the true value of my ONE vote I simply can't swallow the hype AGAIN this year...THIS year I'm voting for:


Sat Aug 26, 11:52:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Wed Oct 11, 05:46:00 PM EDT  

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