Saturday, April 08, 2006

DHS Official Caught in Child Porn Flap is a Democrat

You won't read it in the Washington Post or New York Times, but former Department of Homeland Security deputy press secretary Brian J. Doyle, arrested for the attempted molestation of a 14-year-old, is a Democrat. Blogger Wizbang! has the hard evidence.

Meanwhile, most people around the country and in the blogosphere are shaking their heads, assuming that it is another Republican engaging in criminal activity. Admittedly, I did as well, until I saw Wizbang!'s evidence. In addition, many people don't realize that Doyle was a "career" employee, and not a Bush administration political appointee.

This situation presents yet another example of the dynamics underlying the blog community. Anyone can say anything, from "Bush should be impeached" (that phrase turned up 1,734 posts on Technorati) to "the DHS official was arrested for child porn, aren't those Republican religious nuts hypocritical." Then, sometimes, someone comes along and posts information that pokes gaping holes in the initial posting.

In that spirit, for those people who are bent on demonstrating that Republicans possess inherently criminal tendencies, here's another one for you to bite on, from 2003:

"Asked whether they had ever used marijuana, [Sen. John] Edwards, [Gov. Howard] Dean and Sen. John Kerry said they have. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, [Wesley] Clark
and Al Sharpton said they had not. Sen. Joe Lieberman answered the same, although he apologized as he did so. Former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun declined to answer."

And those people were running for President. I don't even need to bring up the Marion Barry drugs-and-taxes problem. Criminal behavior a not a Republican-Democrat problem, it is a people problem. Some people break the law, and they ought to be prosecuted.


Blogger muckdog said...

Well, sex crimes go a bit beyond party affiliation. This guy isn't high enough (ie, doesn't have enough fame or celebrity status) to avoid the court of law on this.

Sat May 06, 01:12:00 AM EDT  

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